Social Media: Mitigate Unwanted Risk

No one wants to have a social media crisis on their hands. Does your organization have a policy or plan in place to manage your social media sites and activities, and mitigate unwanted risk?  Through taking the proper steps to manage social media; training, a strict policy or changes of the internal process, many risks […]

Amplify your Brand with “Brand Transfer”

As the market is increasingly saturated with innovative ideas and products, how do organizations maintain a competitive edge and stay afloat?  In addition to traditional and digital advertisements or social media mentions, is there another mechanism to build your organization’s brand? One that yields powerful positioning advantages, increasing your brand reach and awareness, while costing significantly less than […]

Mobile First: What You Need to Know

Did you know, that in 2023, MOBILE surpassed desktop in online user engagements? According to Forbes, 40% of users won’t return to a site with a poor mobile experience and mobile phones account for roughly 55% of the world’s global website traffic. Mobile search is increasingly used in place of desktop. As of January 2017, […]