
Over the last number of years, we had noticed that many associations and not-for-profits were challenged by Social Media.  Issues of productivity, efficiency, and risk kept coming up.  Some were sophisticated, while others were not yet prepared to use the tools.  Given the tough economic times – and that most organizations don’t have much budget leeway – there was an imperative to use Social Media, but there was often no budget and no direction.

What we did:

With partner Gerald Bramm of Bramm Research, we approached the Canadian Society of Association Executives to conduct a national survey of Social Media Best Practices and Benchmarks.  Using our existing Social Media Audit tool as a starting point, we developed the research instrument, designed the survey plan, and conducted the research.


Over 400 organizations responded – a response rate of 25%.  We analyzed the results and prepared a 100+ page report that was purchased by Associations across the country.  The report was fascinating, but also very practical: it surfaced specific findings on what worked – and what didn’t.

Note: We are currently working on the 3rd annual survey.