Not Just Marketing

Not Just Marketing

Too often it is the marketers, advertisers, PR folks, and others involved in the sales process who “own” social media within an organization. This isn’t surprising, but it is unfortunate.

Social Attention Span

Social Attention Span

How long is your attention span? How long is the attention span of your clients, colleagues, or kids? The conventional wisdom is that it is very short – 30 seconds – the length of a typical TV commercial.

Three Marketing Models

Three Marketing Models

Model One: One of the most powerful real-world networking techniques is called “give-to-get”. You meet someone, find out what they’re interested in, and then find a way to give it to them. If you do this periodically, eventually they will return the favour.

Social Media Crash Landing

Social Media Crash Landing

Remember Y2K? There were no major computer crashes, but there was, just a few months later, a technology crash of a different sort when many Dot Com’s lost most of their market value. The market learned painfully that eyeballs didn’t pay the rent – revenue did.

Gutless and Spineless …

Spineless and Gutless

…and afraid of the marketplace of ideas. These are not exactly the attributes that most organizations (or people) aspire to. Yet most have a Social Media strategy that conveys precisely that.

Does Free Always Mean Free?

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Beyond the embarrassing photos, new found friends, professional connections, and social gaming, there lurks a conflict – and conflict of interest – that most people know nothing about.