[Top 10 List] Content Marketing Planning

Social Journalism

How is your content planning for the year coming along? Or, perhaps the plan is in place, but you are now looking at a blank page, with an old-fashioned case of writer’s block. Fear not, as we have collected the top ten posts on content creation and inbound marketing.

10 Tech Tools Our Office Couldn’t Live Without

With fall in the air, we’re keeping the Thanksgiving vibe going all week, here at the 108 office. There are so many great apps and tools out there, the reasons to give thanks are virtually endless!

Working The Web


Are you one of those thousands (millions?) who build a social profile, only to find that you have very few friends? Maybe you are one of those millions (or billions?) of businesses that have built a website, but have found that no one is calling? Or no one is buying?

Preventing Plagiarism


Are you an information thief? Have you ever plagiarized, pilfered, or “borrowed” someone else’s knowledge or reputation? And has someone ever done this to you?

R.I.P., Email

Picture this scene from a few decades ago: you’re working in your office, and your assistant bursts in, with an important announcement: You’ve received… a FAX! The correspondence was critically important – and you were too.

The Power of Crowdsourcing

Big data graphic

How often have you run into a creative roadblock? Or you were stumped with a problem that you couldn’t figure out? When this happens, we are usually operating under a conventional wisdom that artificially closes the door to possibility.

How Much Is Too Much Social Media?

Too little Social Media is like spitting into the wind: no traction and no impact. It also leads to discouragement: if the efforts are not making a difference, then why bother at all? On the other hand, too much Social Media is an obvious waste of time and resources

[Checklist] Creating a Viral Video

Viral Video

You’ve created your own YouTube masterpiece, and after three weeks, it has 137 views. While the number is gratifying, if you’re like many first-time content producers, you are probably wondering how to improve the viewership… beyond 10,000. Or a million. Or ten million.

Six Social Media Insights

If you are ahead of the curve in your social media and web strategy, you know there is no magic bullet: your days are spent making minor changes to improve SEO, more minor changes to improve on-page conversion, and a-b testing to improve email response rates. Once each year, however, it makes sense to rise above the weeds, and consider the new.

Flexible Focus

Flexible Focus

Do you attribute your success to your focus? Many people do – and in the spirit of “small focus – small success/strong focus – great success” many people are focused on… greater focus. But is there a downside?