LinkedIn Leverage: Curating Your Profile

Are you befuddled whenever a new “feature” gets added to your favourite Social Media site? Or are you excited about the possibility that the new feature may unlock for you? The Endorsement feature of LinkedIn holds fascinating possibilities, but unlike every other part of your profile, it is the one that is completely beyond your control.

Driving Success

It’s always easy to look at other organizations – or other people – and marvel at their incredible foresight, acumen, and investment. To look at some of the most successful companies and their products – Apple and Google come to mind – and say “They were just lucky” is too easy, and unlikely.

Writing for Results: 3 Blog Archetypes

108 ideaspace - customer service online

Have you noticed that each magazine, newspaper, and TV news show has its own style? They do so because style builds brand equity with their target audience. But look underneath the glitz of style, these pros have structured each story almost exactly the same. They understand the power of the archetype.

Stimulating Social (Media) Productivity

Social media productivity

Are you one of “those” people who has thoroughly adopted Social Media, but has a nagging feeling that you just aren’t that productive with it? Or are you tapped out, and have no interest in adding extra time to your day with low-value Social Media activities? In either case, you’re not alone.

Assessing the Social Media Conversation

social media expertise

Have you ever put your social media influence to the test? Or said another way, do others find you half as interesting as you do yourself? If you’re not sure, here are seven ideas that might spur some different thinking.

24 Branded Content Suggestions

Branded content can be loosely defined as content produced by an organization with two discrete (and overlapping) goals: to engage the ultimate content consumer, and to drive an organizational goal – often brand-building, competitive differentiation, or sales.

8 Video Strategies That Work

If you are reading this post, you very well may be in the minority. Some people just don’t enjoy reading. Others have difficulty without their reading glasses. And still others have challenges reading the English language. That YouTube is reportedly the world’s second most used search engine is evidence of this. As is the continuing popularity of TV, whether broadcast, cable, or via Netflix.

3 Times to Avoid Social Media

Social Media is here.  It’s everywhere.  In fact, the absence of it sends a signal that the sponsoring organization is completely disconnected, un-hip, and behind the times. Unfortunately, this zeal to include Social Media is often taken to the extreme.  There are numerous cases where “doing” Social Media makes no sense at all.  Three examples: […]

Money Now, Money Later, or Money Never

Where do you spend your organization’s budget?  Should it be on communications, or on training?  Should it be on infrastructure, or on people?  Inside the organization, or to partners? While these may all be good questions, there is merit on reframing it – especially when it comes to questions around growth. Money Now:  These are […]