Have you noticed that each magazine, newspaper, and TV news show has its own style? They do so because style builds brand equity with their target audience. But look underneath the glitz of style, these pros have structured each story almost exactly the same. They understand the power of the archetype.
If you haven’t thought about structuring your communications more formally, consider how you too can use these powerful forms. Becoming more intentional in your writing will more quickly bring results.
Archetype One: The Case Study (demonstrates experience)
- Problem/Story
- What was done
- Result
- Call to action
Archetype Two: Problem/Solution (demonstrates analytical capability)
- Challenge
- Implications of the problem
- Solution
- Call to action
Archetype Three: The Reporter (demonstrates industry connection)
- Latest research
- So what/Implications
- Call to action
Which one should you use? It depends on your goals, your audiences, and your own preferences. In the end, it doesn’t exactly matter, as each blog ends with the same thing – a call to action. A professional blog should not just be a broadcast, but the missing information link to a next step: to interact, to transact, to act.
This week’s action plan: Look through the last number of your blog posts, articles, and other written communications. Did you use any of these archetypes? Or did you use… nothing. (You may have also used one of many other archetypes beyond the three highlighted here.) This week, strengthen your writing muscle by being more intentional with how you use structure. Try to use at least one archetype that you’ve never used before. (You’ll get faster as you get better, and it will drive results.)
Marketing Insight #1: Can you tell what archetype this particular blog post used? Hint: it’s a variant of Problem/Solution. Recognizing the archetypes that others use is a great way to become a more effective communicator yourself.
Marketing Insight #2: Writing and Editing are two different activities. Archetypes are chosen during the writing stage; Style is applied while editing.