Social Media

Our Thinking

Online Customer Service

The reasons for poor customer service range from poor hiring, ineffective (or invisible) training, poor attitude, and inadequate resourcing. Most customers don’t really care why – they’ll vote with their feet and leave.

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Our Thinking

Streamlining Social Media: Costly or Gone

There is no question that LinkedIn is one of the most powerful networking platforms around. It connects, credentializes, and recruits. It provides a glimpse into the professional lives of those we know, and those we don’t.

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Our Thinking

5 Social Media Resolutions for 2016

With the New Year around the corner, what proactive resolutions can you make to ensure you’re using Social Media to full advantage? Here are 5 resolutions to consider making for 2016 that will help you leverage Social Media personally and professionally:

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customer service graphic
Our Thinking

Social Media Credibility

Research shows that by far, the two most important determinants of service quality are responsiveness and reliability. If you are not reliable nor responsive, your “brand” quickly reflects this. And you agitate those around you.

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Online Multitasking
Our Thinking

Online ‘Multi-Snacking’

As intelligent, capable, and busy people, we have trained ourselves to handle… as much as we can handle. We snack on various inputs (emails, texts, the web, TV, people around us, etc.) and use our brainpower to keep it all organized, ready for instant recall… we hope. The younger generation is no better: many will use Facebook at the same time as watching TV and responding to Texts.

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Digital Content
Our Thinking

Improving Social Media ROI – The Secret Ingredient

Despite the frenzy everywhere else, many senior executives look at their corporate Social Media initiatives, and wonder why there isn’t a better return on their investment. Many marketers, despite implementing clever campaigns, secretly worry about the same thing.

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Our Thinking

When NOT to Post: Social Media TMI

If you have spent any time on Facebook (and now, sadly, LinkedIn), you may have been the victim of over-sharing. You are subjected to pointless, and often narcissistic postings, often from people and organizations that should know better.

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Social Media ROI
Our Thinking

Social Media ROI

Do you have a creeping feeling that you will never get an adequate return on your Social Media investment? If so, you’re probably right. To improve Social ROI requires three key ingredients: the first reduces costs, and the second and third improve return.

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