

Driving Sales from Social Strategy

Yes, social media improves client or member engagement,  and brand awareness, but wouldn’t it be nice if Social Media could actually grow revenue as well? Here are four ways that

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Our Thinking

Persona Grata

When you are doing a major presentation, writing a blog, or posting on Twitter, how do you know whether what you say is hitting the

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Compete with Free graphic

How to Compete with Free

Are you involved in your professional association? Or do you run one – either as a director, staff, or volunteer?

If so, you’re probably concerned with one aspect of Social Media: How do you compete with free? (Or perhaps, you’re concerned with a more existential question: Does social media make associations irrelevant?)

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market research graphic

When Market Research is inadequate… or ill-advised

Yes, we do market research. In fact, each year we (108 ideaspace and Bramm Research) have done industry benchmarking and best practices research in the area of Social Media. So it might be surprising to read a post about when – and why – market research should not be done.

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Our Thinking

Social Media Strategy: To Buy or To Rent?

What do houses, cars, and Social Media all have in common? For one thing, they all share a primary question: Buy or Rent. Buy a house, or look for a rental? Buy a car, or lease it? And should we rent our Social Media, or build our own?

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Investing in Expertise

If you are reading this and profess to have some expertise in Social Media, then you may be offended by my next comment: it soon won’t matter, and your “expertise” is fast becoming irrelevant.

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