Our Thinking

Thought leadership drives innovation, and underpins our client work. Curious about how we think? Find out below.

Our Thinking

A Different Market Research

You invest in events, send out emails, educate, and send invoices. But how well do you really know your target audience? Beyond the basic demographics,

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Our Thinking

Social Infrastructure

Look around, and you are surrounded by advertisements: which ones catch your eye?  Likely, the ones that are the loudest.  Unfortunately, the race to the loudest

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Our Thinking

Persona Grata

When you are doing a major presentation, writing a blog, or posting on Twitter, how do you know whether what you say is hitting the

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Maintaining social relevance

Social Relevance: Amplifying Your Message

No one cares about you – they care about how you can solve their problems. Write for your readers.

These two expressions epitomize the most important marketing (and social media) concept: relevance. How often have you seen a post, picture, tweet, or comment that adds zero value? Or where the signal-to-noise ratio is, well, noisy?

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Our Thinking

Social Media Strategy: To Buy or To Rent?

What do houses, cars, and Social Media all have in common? For one thing, they all share a primary question: Buy or Rent. Buy a house, or look for a rental? Buy a car, or lease it? And should we rent our Social Media, or build our own?

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