Our Thinking

Thought leadership drives innovation, and underpins our client work. Curious about how we think? Find out below.

Our Thinking

Social Media Planning: Editorial Calendar

[Free Download] How do you organize your Social Media activities? Most people have a system – whiteboards, excel documents, Google Calendar, or often, scraps of paper. Unfortunately, none of these are particularly effective, nor are they efficient. And they certainly don’t help you share your activities with your colleagues.

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Our Thinking

Making the Customer Service Strategy Social

Ever feel slighted, ignored, disenfranchised, “sold to”, taken for granted, or just plain commoditized? For many prospects, these feelings are what prevent a sale from taking place. They prevent repeat sales, prevent referrals, and encourage negative word-of-mouth.

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Our Thinking

Online Customer Service

The reasons for poor customer service range from poor hiring, ineffective (or invisible) training, poor attitude, and inadequate resourcing. Most customers don’t really care why – they’ll vote with their feet and leave.

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Our Thinking

Streamlining Social Media: Costly or Gone

There is no question that LinkedIn is one of the most powerful networking platforms around. It connects, credentializes, and recruits. It provides a glimpse into the professional lives of those we know, and those we don’t.

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Our Thinking

Setting Yourself up For ROI

How do you determine the ROI on your marketing and sales investments? The standard formula is simple: divide the return, less investment, by the investment. A marketing campaign costs $1000, and reaches out to 1000 prospects. Five per cent of these respond, generating $1000 profit, for an ROI of zero: (1000-1000)/1000. If the profit is $1500, then ROI is 50 per cent, if profit is $500, then the ROI is negative.

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Our Thinking

5 Social Media Resolutions for 2016

With the New Year around the corner, what proactive resolutions can you make to ensure you’re using Social Media to full advantage? Here are 5 resolutions to consider making for 2016 that will help you leverage Social Media personally and professionally:

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Our Thinking

How Can An Association Compete With Free?

Are you involved in your professional association? Or do you run one – either as a director, staff, or volunteer? If so, you’re probably concerned with one aspect of Social Media: How do you compete with free?

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